What is Q-Traf ?

Q-traf is a trip-based macroscopic model which transforms OD trip matrices into traffics flows, by calculating the best route for each vehicle. Traffic assignment is the last step of travel demand/land-use/transportation modeling.
Why Q-Traf ?
There are already a lot of traffic or trips programs.
The points of Q-Traf are :
- free to use, there is no commercial purpose. All files can be read, created and manipulated with free and open-source (FOSS) softwares, like QGis and LibreOffice (but other GIS can be used)
- simple. As it could be
- no weird file formats : all files are *.txt (or *.csv) or shape files (*.shp)
- portable. No installation required. There is only one .exe file
- light. Only 1 Mo
- All the graphic visualization can be done with a GIS (like QGis)
A brief history
Q-traf has been developed through the years, beginning in 2014 with a simple Dijkstra algorithm and delay(flow) functions.
Then QGis has been used for all the graphic visualization and network building.
The simple speed(flow) functions have been replaced with two-phase traffic modelling.
Now Q-Traf can handle multiple OD matrices of multiple types of vehicles. As for the graphical results, they are only limited by what a Gis can do.
Performance and limitations
Q-Traf runs on Windows 10 and 11.
It can handle up to :
- 30 000 links
- 2 000 zones
- 4 categories of road vehicles (car, truck, bus, pedestrian) and 5 sub-types (car, truck)
- Park & Ride (car-bus trip)
- 20 scenarios (sets of networks + matrices, for comparison)
- LHD and RHD
- Day and hour analysis
- provide traffic flow, density, per vehicle type and PCU (Passenger Car Unit), zone analysis
(computing 20 000 links and 2 000 zones required 2 Go of RAM)

Method and principles
The basis of the program are :
- User equilibrium
- link-delay functions
- generalised travel cost (on delay and distance)

How to use the examples
To use Q-Traf with the provided examples, you need to download :
- One or several examples. Each example contains the program Q-Traf and all the folders and files needed. All the files are text files (“.csv” files)
- The notice
To see the results of a trips assignation of an example, you need to :
- (download and install QGis, ArcGis, or another GIS)
- Open a QGis project : The file *.qgz provided in the QGis folder, or create a new one and choose the correct SCR (indicated in the root folder )
- In the GIS, import the .csv files from the folder results (/_out_results_wkt) : Example/_out_results_wkt/troncons or links_xxx/”….uvp.csv” or “….TV.csv”
To run a simulation and calculate a new traffic assignment, you need to :
- Run Q-Traf.exe (in the root folder of each example provided)
- Once the execution is finished, close the window
- The new results are then written in the folder “_out_results_wkt”
- Open the results in a GIS (see above)

The current version is Q-Traf 778
Example folder
(with the program)
Size (zipped file)
Program file
Size (zipped file)
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Who are we ?
http://q-traf.com. Hosted on the courtesy of Oceavia, New Caledonia.
We don’t track you. But we cannot prevent your device’s IP address from being seen by the internet service provider, our hosting provider, or other internet providers.