What is Q-Traf ?

Q-traf is a trip-based macroscopic model which transforms trips / OD matrices into road network assignment.

Why Q-Traf ?

There are already a lot of traffic or trips programs.

The points of Q-Traf are :

  • free. There is no commercial purpose
  • simple. As it could be
  • no graphic interface. All the files can be manipulated with QGIS
  • no weird file formats : all files are *.txt (or *.csv) or shape files
  • portable. No installation required. There is only one .exe file
  • light. Less than 1 Mb


Q-traf has been developped through the years, beginning in 2014 with a simple dijkstra algorithm and delay(flow) functions.

Then GIS (QGis) has been used for the network modelling and drawing all the graphical results.

The simple speed(flow) functions have been replaced with two-phase traffic modelling.

Now Q-Traf can handle multiple OD matrices of multiple types of vehicules. As for the graphical results, they are only limited by what a Gis can do.